Robert David Dutruch
A 19th Century Antiquarian Studio
Robert David Dutruch
A 19th Century Antiquarian Studio
Robert David Dutruch is an artist and printmaker who works primarily with 8x10 large format view cameras and 19th century brass lenses to record his images. His work has been featured in numerous exhibitions and venues including the International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum and the prestigious Contemporary Arts Center in New Orleans, in addition to commercial galleries in New York, Los Angeles, Connecticut, Oregon, South Carolina, Colorado and Vermont.
His wet plate collodion ambrotypes were recently featured on the cover of View Camera Magazine and he received the Award of Artistic Merit at the 50th annual Sumer Show Exhibition. He recently received the Juror’s Choice Award at Art Melt for the second consecutive year, which is the largest juried art exhibition in Louisiana. His work was included in the Historic New Orleans Collection’s important exhibition of Seldom Seen Portraits from Private Collections. He has also been honored as featured artist for the New Orleans Art Review for his sensitive and provoking study of the inhabitants of Julia Row.
Dutruch’s Lost Hills Atelier, located in the rural countryside north of New Orleans, is currently focused on producing artwork via wet plate collodion, platinum/palladium, carbon printing and intaglio heliogravures utilizing a vintage Charles Brand etching press.
La chambre de Vincent, Saint Paul Asylum, Saint Rémy de Provence
New video from Lost Hills Atelier featuring our heliogravure 'La chambre de Vincent, Saint Paul Asylum, Saint Rémy de Provence'... printed on Hahnemühle Copperplate etching paper utilizing a proprietary mixture of Akua Carbon Black and Burnt Umber inks. This image is limited to an edition of 10 gravures and one artists proof. For more information contact us here at the studio or Claire Elizabeth Gallery, New Orleans.
Office: 504-309-4063; Cell: 843-364-6196
We look forward to assisting artists, creative professionals, students
and esteemed art collectors to meet their needs for antiquarian artwork.
Please do not hesitate to contact us here at the atelier
82233 Lost Hills Dr, Bush, Louisiana 70431, United States
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Robert Dutruch’s Lost Hills Atelier, located in the rural countryside north of New Orleans, is currently focused on producing artwork via wet plate collodion, platinum/palladium, carbon printing and intaglio heliogravures utilizing a vintage Charles Brand etching press.